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Moringa Vanilla Breakfast Oats with Banana, Kiwi Fruit, Chia seeds, Pomegranate Arils and Grapes – Breakfast Ideas – Breakfast Bowls


Many people still do not know about the superfood, Moringa. I remember when I first posted my oatmeal breakfast with moringa powder on instagram, many people asked me what Moringa powder is.

Love, I’m here to tell you if you are not already eating Moringa powder, you better start. It is one of the few superfoods which has all 9 essential amino acids.

Additionally, it is rich in many vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, C, E, B6 & B2 vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Magnesium & Calcium.


Read more about Moringa Powder’s Nutritional benefits by clicking here.


If you are vegan/vegetarian, it is a good source of plant protein. You can add this all natural plant protein powder to your oatmeal rather than any other unnatural protein powders and reap Moringa powder’s additional nutritional benefits.

Moringa powder has a sharp spinach-y taste so best to start out with 1/2 tsp and build your way up as you get used to it.

In this moringa oatmeal breakfast I prepared, I couldn’t even taste it. The fruits all tasted so wonderful and fresh with moringa powder oats and I thoroughly enjoyed eating this breakfast.


I also really enjoyed making it. I love art, I always have, but somewhere along the line I started focusing on work, business, mathsy stuff and left my creativity behind.

This moringa breakfast bowl allowed me to express my creativity. I was inspired by all the beautiful flowers I have seen since spring begun. Can you spot the bluebells? 😀

This moringa powder oatmeal breakfast is my expression of spring and summer. It’s also a great way to get the kids to eat their oats (I, being a big kid also love my breakfast this way).


[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY MORINGA POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY CHIA SEEDS NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]





50g raw oats

Water as required (or plant-based milk / dairy milk)

1/2 tsp Moringa Powder

1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence

1/2 tsp honey / maple syrup / other sweetener


For Garnishing:


Kiwi Fruit

Banana Coin

Pomegranate Arils

Red Grapes shaped into Flowers

Chia Seeds



[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY MORINGA POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY CHIA SEEDS NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]




Add your oats, water, moringa powder and vanilla essence to a pan and cook on a medium flame.

Keep stirring for all the flavours to infuse and well and prevent the oats from sticking to the pan.

After the oats have cooked to your desired consistency, switch off flame and pour them into a bowl.

Garnish with kiwi fruit, banana, pomegranate, grapes, blueberries and chia seeds.

Drizzle honey or the sweetener of choice on top and enjoy hot!





Moringa Vanilla Breakfast Oats with Banana, Kiwi Fruit, Chia seeds, Pomegranate Arils and Grapes – Breakfast Ideas – Breakfast Bowls


I hope you enjoy making and eating this moringa powder powered superfood oats breakfast.

Honestly, you can garnish it how you want. This is your moment to express your creativity.

It’s also the fun part and very instagrammable 🙂


[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY MORINGA POWDER NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

[button size=”large” style=”primary” text=”BUY CHIA SEEDS NOW” link=”” target=”_blank”]

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