Ayurveda and Mental Health
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Ayurveda and Mental Health

This week on our live, we are talking about Ayurveda and Mental Health. Once again, it was a pleasure talking to Reetu, an ayurvedic practitioner and founder of ahahealth. According to Ayurveda, one size does not fit all and hence treatments are usually suggested based on the type of energy/dosha a person has. Hence, before…

How to sleep better – 10 ways to get good sleep
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How to sleep better – 10 ways to get good sleep

  Sleep, the seriously underrated, most essential, lifestyle habit that we need in our life. How to get a good night’s sleep? I’m sure our caveman / cavewoman ancestors would think this to be the last of our problems. I think they would be disappointed in us for even asking how to sleep better. Some…

Nutritional Benefits of Turmeric Powder
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Nutritional Benefits of Turmeric Powder

  Turmeric powder also known as “Haldi” in India has been used for centuries in India as a spice in cooking and also for medicinal purposes. I remember when I was younger and even now, every time I catch a cold or cough, my mum will say, “Drink this turmeric milk (hardar wadu dudh in…

Taking a break for your mental health
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Taking a break for your mental health

I have been travelling for the entire month of January and will be away for February too. This is mainly due to personal commitments. It has been so hard travelling during this COVID period with multiple PCR tests and quarantine days but I have to be honest, I really needed this break. It has done…

How to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions
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How to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions

New year’s resolutions (for those who don’t know) are goals you set for the new year. These are things you hope to achieve to better your life and ensure your next year is better than this year. For most people, new year’s resolutions don’t last past the first month of January or even past the…

Socialising as an introvert during Christmas season and Festive months
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Socialising as an introvert during Christmas season and Festive months

Christmas. For us introverts, this isn’t exactly a fun time because everyone’s basically in your space. You have to spend an entire day or two around people and it can get exhausting. So how does an introvert stay sane over the Christmas season and Festivities? And how does one go about socialising in Christmas settings…

How to stay motivated and continue chasing after your dreams and goals
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How to stay motivated and continue chasing after your dreams and goals

Is there something you want to achieve in life? It could be that you want to be successful, you’ve started a business and you want it to take off. It could be that you are looking to lose weight or get fit. It could be anything that brings you satisfaction and adds meaning to your…

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