Taking a break for your mental health
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Taking a break for your mental health

I have been travelling for the entire month of January and will be away for February too. This is mainly due to personal commitments. It has been so hard travelling during this COVID period with multiple PCR tests and quarantine days but I have to be honest, I really needed this break. It has done…

Why do I feel so irritable and how to stop being so irritable?
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Why do I feel so irritable and how to stop being so irritable?

Irritability. It’s one of those things that’s not very easy to shake off. What is irritability for those of you have been lucky enough not to experience it? Is everything and everyone bothering you lately? You’re always in a bad mood and when someone says something silly, it annoys you even further you just want…

How to handle uncomfortable questions or conversations
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How to handle uncomfortable questions or conversations

Have you ever been in a situation whereby someone wanted to discuss something that you’re not comfortable with or they asked you an uncomfortable question about your personal life? I’ve been in this situation so many times and was in this situation just this week. I was actually quite stunned to find out the length…

10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves
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10 ways to deal with people who get on your nerves

People who get on your nerves.. they are just everywhere, right? No matter how positive you are or how well the day starts, there’s always that one person that will bring you down or create problems out of nothing. Sometimes, it’s annoying to put all that energy and effort into practising changing your mindset and…

Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing
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Connecting with Friends and our Health & Wellbeing

How important is it to have friends? Can friends have an impact on your health and wellbeing? I think it does. Even though we live in a society whereby we are increasingly becoming independent and living alone, we are inherently social creatures. If you go back to the stone ages, the human race survived because…

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