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Quick and Easy Nutella Style Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Kiwi Fruit Oatmeal Recipe For Breakfast

Another one of my favourite oatmeal breakfast recipes for when you are feeling a bit down or up 🙂 and feel like having something chocolatey and indulging is my nutella style oatmeal breakfast recipe.

You don’t need to use nutella in this oatmeal recipe. I used hazelnut milk. So you have two options, either you can use nutella or you can use the combination of hazelnut milk and raw cacao powder.

It’s a very quick and easy recipe to make and perfect for vegans or vegetarians.

Please note the measurements I use below are enough for me (I’m tiny). If you enjoy having a huge breakfast then you should probably double or triple the measurements. This makes half a bowl of oatmeal.



50g raw oats

1/2 cup hazelnut milk

1 tsp raw cacao powder

1 banana

2 Slices of Kiwis for happy eyes 😀 (I actually think Kiwi does not go well with this combination of cacao, hazelnut and banana so do not add any more. These two slices will give you that acidic fruit kick which is yum but I strongly suggest don’t add any more. The combination of cacao, hazelnut and banana is just out of this world.)

1/2 tsp honey or any other sweetener



In a pan, add oats, hazelnut milk, cacao power, your sweetener of choice and cook the oats for 2-3 minutes or until you get the right consistency.

(Alternatively, you can add the sweetener at the end after garnishing. I normally add my sweetener – honey – right at the end so that it doesn’t lose its nutritional value when cooked with the oats)

If you prefer to use nutella instead, then add oats, nutella (1.5 tsp), water (1/2 cup) and cook.

Once ready, add banana and kiwi fruit. Make a happy face.

Smile and enjoy your oatmeal 🙂 A wonderful start to the day on a happy note.




Quick and Easy Nutella Style Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Kiwi Fruit Oatmeal Recipe For Breakfast

This quick nutella style chocolate hazelnut oats recipe for breakfast is so indulgent and yummy.

It’s great for the kids but for adults too (I still have the heart of a kid).

Make it vegan by using hazelnut milk instead of nutella (does nutella have a vegan version?).

Great for both vegans and vegetarians and a safe delicious & fun option if you have guests over!


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